This blog is regarding to new photo status and video status where i am share about all types of status in punjabi, hindi and english.

Best 30 new love status english with pics for whatsapp 2020

 New love status english for whatsapp 2020

True love is a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship. An example of true love is the emotion shared between a couple who has been married for 40 years and who are still passionate about each other and care deeply for each other.

For some love is more than just being interested physically in someone, it's an emotional attachment. Love is more of a feeling that a person feels for another person. ... Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. The basic meaning of love is to feel more than liking towards someone.

WhatsApp Status is a great way to express yourself. It is an expression, written specifically and in a precise way to reveal one's views, thoughts, and emotions in a creative style.

Best 30 love status english with pics

1.Your love, your care, your support and faith, have made me a better person. I promise you all the happiness, fun and love in life. Be mine forever.

2.I love to lie down in your arms and listen to your heart beats. It makes me feel that there is someone in this world, whose heart beats only for me. I just can't stop living you.

3.When I am with you, I am full of life. You make me feel special, you are my heart, soul and world. Please be with me forever. 

4.You are the one, whom I think about while I go to bed, and the reason I blush while listening to love stories. I love you.

5.I love absolutely everything about you. But the thing I love the most is, the way you make me smile even while you are not around. I'm so madly in love with you.

6.After I met you, I found life and a reason to live it. Your smiling face means the world to me. Please gift my world to me by being mine forever.

7.I wish to tell you, that every time I am with you I feel blessed. I plead you to bless me forever with your love.

8.You encourage me, advice me, love me and spoil me. Most of all you my love, you bring out the best in me. I love you.

9.When around you, I don't need to be someone else. Thank you for loving me, for who I am.

10.When you hug me, it makes me forget the world outside. I feel so special and so loved. No one in this world can make me feel this way. I love you.

11.You are one of those rare dreams after which, one always wakes up smiling. I love you my dear.

12.You complete my life and make it so worth living. Girl, you are nothing but an angel to me. I love you.

13.Every time you look into my eyes, it makes me fall in love with you all over again. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I'm honoured to have you in my life. I love you.

14.I will love you even if it hurts, because baby you are the one I love the most. I love you.

15.I'm sending hugs and kisses to you baby, along with a promise I will love you forever.

16.I cannot put into words what you mean to me. I just love you way too much. I love you like crazy!

17.Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another you!

18.Some are pretty, some are cute, some have the eyes, some have the looks. Beauty is something that cannot be defined, But if it could be defined, in you it would be confined.

19.Everyday with you feels like a dream. No matter where I go or what I do, you are the last thought that puts me to sleep each night and the first thought that wakes me up every morning. I love my life because, it has you.

20.You make me so happy, happier than I have ever been. I can search and search, but I will never be able to find someone who brings a smile to my face the way you do. I love you so much.

21.I could do anything to bring a smile on your face that I love so much. I can't express my feelings for you. I love you more than you can imagine. I just love you a lot.

22.I fall In love all over again. Every time I see you.

23.Let's drive into the sunset. Sing love songs. We'll make promises and swear we'll never love someone else.

24.True love never dies. It only gets stronger with time.

25.Love isn't finding someone you can live with... It's finding someone you can't live without.

26.Love is when you don't want to go to sleep. Bcoz reality is better than a dream.

27.In love it is better to know and be disappointed than not to know and always wonder.

28.Love means giving up the one thing that keeps you alive. Your heart.

29.The best day in my life was the day I married you The best thing in my life is you I cannot imagine a single day without you I've said it once, and I'll say it again I love you!!

30.You are like wine because you get sweeter as the years go by. You are becoming prettier day by day and your ever youthful beauty still makes me feel weak in the knees every time I see you. I love you sweetheart!
