This blog is regarding to new photo status and video status where i am share about all types of status in punjabi, hindi and english.

Best 30 motivational status english with pics for whatsapp 2020

 New Motivational status english for whatsapp 2020

Motivation or Motivational is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s behaviour can be -
desire for money
team work, etc

WhatsApp Status is a great way to express yourself. It is an expression, written specifically and in a precise way to reveal one's views, thoughts, and emotions in a creative style.

Best 30 motivational status english with pics

1.Don't get jealous of someone who is ahead of you, Rather take a cue from him to succeed in your life,Success is always between you and your mind!

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2.Whenever fear knocks on your door, Always have the right courage to open the door, Because success is waiting behind the fear, Then only you will reach your goal!

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3.Though the duck swims smoothly on water, Underneath it has to struggle and pedal, Nothing comes easier in life without struggle,So stay motivated!

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4.Sometimes it is important to fail in life, Because then only success will taste sweeter, So, failure is the next step to success in life!

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5.Enjoy yourself in your life every moment, Don't wait for the right moment, What if next moment story of life is changed, So, live your life the right way!

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6.Don't judge your life by the outcome or harvest, Judge your life by the seeds which you plant in life, Do good deeds because that is what matters in life!

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7.Happiness is just a state of mind,If you are happy from within, It will show on your face, So, you need to keep smiling always!

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8.The change in life starts from your thoughts, If you change your thoughts, Your life will be changed, So, change your thinking!

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9.If you believe and visualize something, Your half the task is done, It is just important to stick to your belief!

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10.If you can't change the direction of the wind, Then go with the wind, Because change can be good at times!

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11.You'll never know your true potential until you push yourself out from the boundaries of your comfort zone. Never be afraid of pushing yourself, and you'll achieve all that's meant for you.

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12.The reason why the Earth rotates and brings the sun after each dark night is because every morning is a reminder of your unfulfilled goals, and of renewed hope and chances to fulfil those goals.

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13.Never be shaken by failure. Stand tall and shake failure with your strength. Victory will come kiss your feet.

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14.Never compare yourself to others, because you and them aren't writing the same exam. Always aim to be better than the person you were yesterday - you are your true competition.

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15.If giving up was an option, do you think God would have meticulously created such a beautiful planet for us? Just keep going on, and the fruits of your hard work will show up very soon.

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16.Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Years later, you'll be calling them 'experiences' instead of 'mistakes' and they will be the key points of your success story.

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17.Everything happens for a reason, and everything makes you lose or gain something. If you gain something, good for you. If you lose something, you still gain experience, learning and motivation to keep going on and achieve your goals. So life never makes you lose anything.

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18.Just like there's a key to every lock, there's a solution to every problem too. You'll find yours very soon; don't lose hope!

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19.Whenever in doubt whether you'll be able to go further or not, look back and see how far you've come. The journey went on till now; there's no reason for you to believe it won't happen any further.

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20.Never be disheartened with slow progress in anything. After all, 'slow progress' is also 'progress' and it's better than nothing.

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21.When you need help, just look in the mirror. Nobody else will come and rescue you from your troubles as well as you can. Because at the end of the day, people can walk your path with you, but can't walk it for you.

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22.When you know that nothing lasts forever, including the good times, then why would you let your disappointment or sadness last forever? Cheer up, gather strength, try again and be a fighter!

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23.Don't try to be someone else. A fish and an elephant cannot pass a flying test. Life has given a different question paper in its exam to everyone; focus on answering yours than copying others.

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24.No dream is too big, or unrealistic or stupid. Dreams are dreams and they are meant to be dreamed with faith and hope. When you dream them best and make them a part of your life, you achieve them sooner.

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25.You might think that every increasing hurdle in front of you is a sign of stopping. It's not. When you keep going on and turn back after a few years, you'll see it was just a staircase after all, that you were climbing on the way to your victory and success.

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26.Success has a direct connection with action in life If you want success you must do that action If you don't, you will not have what you want So make way for things you like So that you are able to flaunt Your success in your life!

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27.Always keep two things handy in life Your smile and your silence Smile when the situation gets grim for you And remain silent when you want to change a few Coz that will help you through Being the way you want to!

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28.Weak people will always think of revenge Let them do what they want to Strong people do forgive in life Its their choice to do But intelligent people will ignore in life Coz that is their way to do So choose from the above who are you!

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29.Everything happens for a particular reason But if you sit and analyze things You won't reach your destination So learn to let go And go with the flow Coz that will help you in life That is the true meaning to strive!

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30.Two cures that you should always keep in mind A hearty laugh which will cure all your pain And help you to gain And a good night sleep This will have a cure too deep So always remember these two things!

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